Civil Process & Warrants

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Civil Process & Warrants

Please note: We will not service Department of Corrections inmates or employees without the information sheet (D.O.C. face sheet which includes photo and D.O.C. number) on that inmate, it must be sent to use with the process papers, and if you are an employee you will need to send your shift information, if not enough information is provided it will be returned.

The Sheriff’s Office has a statutory requirement to process and execute civil papers. The Civil Division receives, records, and ensures that civil papers are properly and legally served upon the intended recipients. The service of civil papers is duly documented as required. These papers include:

  • summons, complaints and subpoenas
  • writs of Possession
  • writs of Garnishment
  • writs of Replevin
  • injunctions for protection

These documents originate from the courts, governmental agencies, private attorneys and individuals.

Fees for service are fixed by Florida Statue 30.231 and are non-refundable.


Non-enforceable Process: Summons and Subpoenas are $40.00 (per person to be served).

Enforceable Civil Process:

Writ of Possession, Writ of Replevin, Writ of Attachment and any other types of process requiring service, $90.00.


If you have initiated a civil process and are awaiting a return notice to verify that the process has been served, please consider providing our office with a self addressed, stamped envelope. This will help to assure that you are provided with a prompt return notification.

If you have had a notice sticker placed on your residence or business, it means that someone has attempted service of civil papers to you. For your convenience and to avoid further delay, you are urged to contact our office at 904.966.2276. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you feel that a notice was posted in error.

Paperwork can either be delivered to the Bradford County Sheriff’s Office (8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday) or can be mailed to:

Bradford County Sheriff’s Office – Civil Department –
Post Office Box 400
Starke, FL 32091.

Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope for the documents return.

For further information, contact our Civil Division at:


M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Pursuant to Florida statues, the Sheriff’s office carries out the responsibility of processing and service of warrants. These warrants originate from the courts and governmental agencies. All warrants received from the courts are processed by this division with notices placed in various local, state, and federal data bases as may be required. Our warrants division handles:

  • Summons
  • Bench Warrants/Failure to Appear (FTA)
  • Orders of Arrest
  • Orders to take into custody
  • Violations of Probabtion (VOP)
  • Violations of Community Control (VOCC)
  • Capias
  • Order of Contempt
  • Orders to revoke bonds
  • Rule to Show Cause
  • Pickup Commitment

If you know that a warrant or similar document for your arrest has been issued, it is a good idea to turn yourself in. You will have to answer to any charges at some point and it is to your benefit to clear the matter up. Once a warrant has been issued, Police have no choice but to arrest. You can avoid the unnecessary embarrassment of being arrested on the job, in the public, or in front of friends or family by coming in on your own. The courts will often consider your level of cooperation when determining disposition.

If you think there may possibly be a warrant for your arrest, one method for checking is at the FDLE web site. Most wanted notices appear here within a couple of weeks. You may also contact our office at 904.966.6380. In most cases we will work with any individual who is cooperating, to make the process the least intolerable

Contact Information

Civil Department
945-B N. Temple Ave.
Starke, FL 32091
Office: 904.966.6313
Fax: 904.966.6160
[email protected]

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5pm

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.